Monica Banks

  • Monica Banks | Project Manager

    Specialty Areas:

    • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    • Meeting Facilitation & Event Planning

    • Community Engagement Strategies

    • Organizational Development

  • Monica has been in the nonprofit space for six years, working in health, education, and grant-making. In her current role she leads and coordinates transformational leadership and racial equity programming that equips grant-making professionals with the tools and skills to build equitable organizational cultures and implement equitable grant-making practices.

    Monica is a lifelong learner passionate about racial justice and committed to approaching her work through an equity and healing-centered lens.

    Monica is a first-generation Mexican American and a first-generation college graduate with a BA in Economics and Minor in Public Health from Occidental College. She enjoys cooking new recipes, reading, and painting in her spare time. Her favorite and most recommended book is, The Body is not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor.